FAQ- Design Review Committee
chevron_right Signs No signs shall be displayed on any lot except the following:(a) Signs required by legal proceedings;(b) A maximum of two residential identification sign with a maximum face area of seventy - two (72) square inches.(c) One temporary “For Sale” or “For Lease” sign with a maximum area of five (5) square feet in size.(d) Signs used by the Declarant to advertise the lots and residence thereon for sale.(e) Such signs as may be required by A.R.S. §33-1808, which includes political signs. The specific details related to political signs are enumerated in Section 5.16 of the recorded CC&Rs.(f) Other signs as may be approved by the Design Review Committee.
All signs shall conform and comply with City ordinances. Signs advertising landscaping or pool contractors, etc. must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of completion of work. -
chevron_rightDo I have submit to build a swimming pool in my back yard? Pools and SpasPools and spas do not require the prior approval of the Design Review Committee. Perimeter walls on lots bordering common areas and shared Homeowners Association walls may not be removed to allow access to rear yards.Access must be gained by removing a portion of the front wall on the side of the home. Repairs to the wall must be completed in a timely fashion and include repairing the wall to match the texture and color of the remaining wall. All pool and spa equipment must be screened from view of neighboring property. (Lots with view fencing must submit plans for screening for approval by the Design Review Committee.)Pools may not be backwashed into any common area or street. Check with your pool contractor concerning City ordinance requirements for backwashing. Damage, including erosion, to common area due to backwashing will be repaired by the Association and all expenses incurred by the Association will be billed to the homeowner.
chevron_rightGazebos, Pergolas, Ramadas All gazebos and similar structures must be submitted to the ARC with some exceptions as noted below. Placement of the gazebo must be approved prior to installation. No tent-like, canvas gazebo structures will be allowed within the Rancho Valencia (Valstate) Subdivision.Structures must meet the required setbacks, combustible materials must be 10’ from other structures and 5’ from side and rear lot lines. No structure may exceed 12’ in height.The gazebo, pergola or ramada may be constructed of block or wood, the structure stuccoed, stained and/or painted to match the home, with a roof that compliments or matches the existing roof of the home. Corrugated metal/fiberglass is not considered permissible roof or building material.Submission for review of “self built” gazabos, pergolas or ramadas must include detailed plans and materials lists, including paint, stain or stucco colors and Pima county permit review.Gazabos, Pergolas, Ramadas - Pre-manufactured Powdercoated aluminumMay be installed if all of the following conditions are met:Submit brochure/specifications for file
Observe setbacks: 5’ from house or other structures, 5’ from side and rear lot lines.
Size does not exceed 10’x10’ and height does not exceed 8’ at highest point.
chevron_rightPaint Colors The paint colors used by the original developer must be used in all instances, based upon zoning requirements. In the case of any variation from the original colors, the preferred colors are earth tones. Trim colors shall not dominate the exterior appearance and shall be of the same color range of the major color. The Design Review Committee must approve all changes of paint color prior to painting. If you are painting your house in the same existing color, no application is required.
chevron_rightPlayground Equipment Plans for play structures and similar recreational equipment must be submitted for approval since in most instances they extend over the wall height. This is not to eliminate play structures, but to consider privacy and noise issues for adjacent neighbors, and to assure the aesthetic appeal.The maximum height which will be considered for approval of swing sets and other play equipment without written input of immediately adjacent neighbors shall be eight (8) feet.An architectural submittal for any such structure which exceeds eight (8) feet at its maximum height must include written approval from all adjacent neighbors. Neighbor approval shall include a signed statement acknowledging the proposed equipment, its height, material and color. Neighbors name, address, lot number and date signed must be noted. In the event neighbor refuses acknowledgement of proposed equipment, committee has the sole right of decision.In no case will the maximum height of any such improvement be permitted to exceed twelve (12) feet. The maximum height for any deck/platform is four (4) feet above ground level.The play structure may be placed no closer than ten (10) feet to any lot line. When considering plan approval, the Committee will consider the appearance, height and proximity to neighboring property. Submittals must include a picture or brochure of the structure, total dimensions, materials and a plot map or sketch indicating the proposed location and its proximity to adjacent property lines.The color of canopy of the play structure must be one of the following in the order listed:1. Canvas covers shall be of a “neutral” color, off white, beige or light brown.2. A single solid color of red, blue, green or yellow.3. Stripped with white and one (1) other color either: red, blue, green or yellow.Except that prints and multi-colored stripped canopies are strictly prohibited.Trampolines are permitted so long as trampoline and any safety netting are in good repair, is 10’ or more from neighboring walls/fences, and may be subject to any further restrictions in the CC&Rs.
chevron_rightProhibited Plant Material The following vegetation types and varieties are expressly prohibited:a. Olive trees (Olea europaea) other than the "Swan Hill" variety.b. Oleanders (Nerium oleander) other than the dwarf variety and Thevetia. (Thevetia species).c. Fountain Grass (Pennesethus setaceum) or Pampas grass (Cortanderia selloana).d. All varieties of Citrus are permissible within the confines of the rear yard only.e. Mexican Palo Verde (Parkinsonia aculeatea).f. Sweet Acacia and any other large thorn tree.g. All varieties of mulberry trees.
chevron_rightSolar Panels and Equipment Roof mounted solar equipment, (excluding solar panels), must match the roof material. Panels must be an integrated part of the roof design and mounted directly to the roof plane. Solar units must not break the roof ridgeline, visibility must be minimized from public view, and may be required to be screened from neighboring property in a manner approved by the Design Review Committee.
chevron_rightStorage Sheds Pre-manufactured or storage shed kits, may be permitted and need not be submitted for approval, provided:Maximum height of the shed, including roof, does not exceed 8'.
Has a pitched or barn roof of shingle or concrete tile to match roof color of home.
Does not exceed 8’x10’ in size, color matches home or is “earth tone” in color.
Sheds shall have a minimum setback of 5 feet from any rear yard walls, 10’ from home or other structures.
Does not require a poured concrete foundation.
Storage sheds - self constructed1. Plans must meet Pima County Building Codes and be may be subject to Pima County permitting.2. Plans and applicable Permits must be submitted to ARC for review3. Must conform to setback, colors and materials as previously set forth by the design committeea. Pitched or Barn style roof (Shingle or Concrete tile to match home)b. Exterior stucco or vertical lap siding in color to match existing home or “earth tone” to compliment home.c. Foundation can be concrete, treated wood or brickd. Size is dependent on lot size and aesthetic placement. Sheds in excess of 10’x12’x10’ are not permitted.Storage binsDesigned to contain pool toys, patio cushions and seasonal items, under 4ft in height and 6ft in length in rear yards, are not subject to design guidelines. -
chevron_rightWindows Permanent draperies or other window treatments, such as blinds and shutters shall be installed on all front-facing windows within thirty (30) days of occupancy. No reflective materials, including but not limited to, aluminum foil, reflective screens or glass, mirrors or similar type material, shall be installed or placed upon the outside or inside of any windows. Exterior window coverings or treatments used to decorate openings must be compatible with respect to materials and style.